Halloween Doesn’t Have To Be Scary!

When you think of Halloween, do you think of fun costumes, scary movies, or late night pranks?  Or do you think of candy?  When I was a kid, it was all about the candy.  Dressing up was fun and we always had an interesting homemade costume, but the real treat was the giant bag of sugary loot we brought home.  I’d spread all of my candy out on the floor and separate it into piles – like kinds together, of course.  Trading or giving away the ones I didn’t like and rationing my supply to stretch out through Christmas.  I can still ration ice cream and other treats for Happy Halloweenweeks, taking just a little at a time.  I love sweets, but have always been pretty good at enjoying small bites to satisfy my craving.  Not everyone is like this, I understand.  One way to help manage this holiday is to focus on the fun of dressing up (like I did recently with my little monkey!).  No sugar needed to do that, since he’s definitely sweet enough.  Whatever your situation, consider these three tips to take the “scary” out of the treats this Halloween.

  1. Manage the Candy Dish- If you’re going to give out candy at your house, be sure you choose wisely.  If you can’t ration yourself like I described above, buy only candy you won’t eat.  (Don’t buy the Reese’s cups if you’re prone to eating the whole bag!)  Buy only snack size treats and in small bags.  Keep it out of sight until Halloween night, so you have to go out of your way to get it.
  2. Have Healthy Treats Available – Keep fresh fruit and snackable veggies (like baby carrots) readily available for you.  Make some nutritious treats (like these amazing black bean brownies from iFoodReal) to enjoy if you need a chocolate fix like I did.  Bonus tip: stay hydrated!  Many people mistake thirst for hunger.
  3. Allow Yourself a Treat – While you want to be in control, you also want to avoid feeling deprived – which can lead to overeating as a way to compensate.  It’s okay to enjoy your favorite treats, just do it in moderation.

Here’s wishing you nothing but treats!  In moderation.

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