“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” ~James 1:27
I have a hard time imagining a more volunerable population than orphans. But in the U.S. we don’t necessarily see children orphaned in the streets or large orphanages housing hundreds of abandoned children. It’s easy to think that maybe the problem isn’t ours. The reality is that around the world, there are children who long for forever families to love them. And here in the U.S. foster children represent one of THE most vulnerable populations.
According to a government report, there were more than 440k children in foster care as of Sept 2017 and more than 120k are waiting to be adopted. Georgia’s stats are that there were 14,000 children in foster care last year; 2,740 of these children have a permanency goal of adoption. Out of those children, there are 350 children who are available for adoption and in need of loving, permanent homes.
You may think that you aren’t cut out for fostering or adoption and you may be right. That doesn’t mean you can’t support children and families in the process of fostering and adoption.

On this week’s show we are digging into this essential topic with an amazing guest. Jacqui Jackson is the CEO for Ignite Hope, an organization dedicated to strategic prayer for orphan care. Jaqui is a former foster kid, an international adoptee from South America, and a grateful mommy to a tribe of heart babies and belly babies alike. Her passion for adoption and fostering stems from the legacy that God has given her to steward for His glory, and she is relentless about encouraging and equipping others to walk their own orphan care journeys. Read more about Jacqui at the Ignite Hope website.
References & Recommended Reading from Jacqui:
- Orphan Justice by Johnny Carr
- The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting by Sarah Naish
- Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
- Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
- Jacqui’s Prayer Guide for Adoption: